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Your Supplier, Your Advisor
May 12, 2016



Whether you need to purchase a new air compressor, to maintain or service your tools, or to choose accessories for your industrial air compressor, your distributor will know how to best advise you. If you need to spread the costs, they will be able to suggest funding plans to enable you to acquire what you need. They can offer a wide range of parts and accessories, which are listed on our website. This list will allow you to save time if you want to order your parts and accessories efficiently. If you are seeking custom-tailored advice regarding your choice, you may come directly to our store, where technical advisors will be able to guide you in your decision. All models can be ordered and delivered quickly and we may already have in stock the accessories that you urgently need, allowing you to save a considerable amount of lead time on your order.


The expertise and know-how of a team of technical advisors specialised in air compressor-related items is essential to your business. It is therefore important, and even crucial, to choose this team well. This team will be an ideal long-term partner for your activities as they will help you in adapting over time, as well as in choosing helpful options and accessories that are essential to your business activities. Some parts require daily maintenance, while others only demand occasional care. Maintaining your accessories is an important step which can be learned. Through this partnership, you will be able to optimise the use of your tools as well as extend the lifespan of your air compressor with worthwhile air compressor accessories. Compressors Québec will help you optimize your business activities through a wise choice of perfectly adapted tools.

Je suis tres impressionné par la qualité de votre travail
Posted by: janette | August 31, 2016, 2:59 pm
vos vendeurs sont super, ils ont été très utiles
Posted by: Diana-88 | July 20, 2016, 2:00 pm
merci pour l'information
Posted by: Tim | June 23, 2016, 3:48 pm
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