Pressure drop is a normal, unavoidable part of working with an industrial air compressor; inevitably, the level of pressure at the beginning of the process will not be the same as the level at the end. As the air and, later, compressed air makes its way through your industrial air compressor parts, it simply loses a bit of pressure. Normally, this isn’t a serious issue; generally speaking, pressure drop means a reduction of less than ten percent from beginning to end.
In more serious cases, however, a fault in your industrial air compressor parts can cause pressure drops significant enough to noticeably decrease efficiency and cause the machine to begin using more power to do the same amount of work. When your energy consumption spikes upward while your performance falls, it’s fairly likely that an increased pressure drop is to blame.
There are a number of potential culprits for undue pressure drop in a compressed air system. For example, compressed air moving through curved piping, or through pipes and hoses that are too narrow for the intended operation, can cause severe pressure drops. These kinds of issue often appear in systems that are built based on the average flow rate of its machines, rather than for their maximum potential flow rate. It is also possible that the air is simply travelling too far within the system, and there is too much time available for pressure drop to occur. Fortunately, our technicians can recommend and install industrial air compressor parts that decrease the instance of pressure drop in your system.
Pressure drop can be a serious problem in any compressed air system, but it is one that our expert technicians are familiar with, and well-equipped to deal with.