There is no denying that Quincy air compressor has been proven its reliability and dependability in any application it is put into. However, it’s important that you know the details of the specific unit you will need for your application. One particular thing you should know is the pump settings which typically come in two basic configurations. These are the single-stage and two-stage pumps which are used in reciprocating air compressors.
A Quincy air compressor with a single-stage pump setting draws in and compresses the air in one piston stroke at roughly 120 psi. The compressed air is then sent to a storage tank. Single-stage pump compressors are typically smaller in size and due to their quietness, are more suited for smaller commercial compressed air applications. Some key features include a cast iron cylinder and crankshaft, an aluminum head and an enclosed belt guard.
In a two-stage compressor, the air is compressed in two steps and will produce a higher air power, which makes it more suited for large projects. In the initial stage, the equipment sucks in the air into the cylinder and compresses it. The same air is then sent to a smaller piston for a second stroke at roughly 175 psi. The double-pressurized air is then cooled and delivered to a storage tank. Two-stage pumps are more expensive compared to the single-stage pump, as the two-stage pump has more parts involved. The parts are smaller and don’t need to be maintained as often, which can actually save costs in the long run.
The choice between a single and two-stage compressor will rely on the size and specifics of the application. Regardless of the size of the project, you can rely on a Quincy air compressor to get the job done. Contact Compresseurs Quebec for all your industrial air compressor needs today!