If hospitals want to adhere to strict hygiene and quality standards, it is imperative to have clean air for the safety and health of patients who receive intensive care. This requirement implies the use of pure compressed air to be distributed in surgical blocks, emergency rooms and special care rooms. It is for this reason that an air compressor station becomes so important.
Several pneumatic equipment and air compressor suppliers offer plants for medical compressed air. They meet the demanding standards of the health authorities. These plants are composed of ultra-efficient compressor installations with dryers and purifiers. They must consistently supply the hospital with air, pure and free from any traces of infection that could jeopardize the health of patients.
This compressed air needs to be continuously purified and distributed at a uniform and adequate pressure. The medical air purifier is the centerpiece in the whole system. It receives special attention in the design and development phases. This innovative device must ensure a multi-filtration of atmospheric air to eliminate all impurities and subsequently to transform regular air into air fit for a hospital. This operation takes place in several steps during which bacteria and fine particles are eliminated, carbon dioxide is cleared out, and water traces are dried.
Installation is done carefully to avoid system failure. When properly installed, the entire system operates efficiently. Suppliers of air compressors also offer rental options, including Compresseurs Quebec: http://compresseursquebec.com/ . We are a leading provider of air products and parts since our inception in 1985, striving for excellence and quality to satisfy all of our customers. Call us today at 514-337-0566 to learn more!