How does a Rotary Screw Compressor Work?
August 12, 2016

Long ago small workshop owners were very satisfied by the first generation of industrial air compressors that operated with a mechanical drive. This old equipment was very heavy to move, and despite this and the enormous noise from them along with the high frequency of breakdowns, the workshop workers still found them very useful.
Over time, many things have changed, and industrial air compressors have become increasingly indispensable in many professional sectors. The innovation of new products definitely played an essential role in the increased expansion of the use of compressed air in big industries as well as in small workshops and garages.

Among these innovated products, the vane compressor is a useful, robust, reliable, and efficient machine. It is composed of a central rotor equipped with a stator and some blades. The assembly is integrated in a compact body with an oil injector which serves to lubricate and cool the mechanism while it is running.

The rotor is powered either electrically or mechanically, and it rotates inside a cavity within the machine. The compressed air is introduced by suction and trapped between the vanes and the stator. As a result, the air is compressed, and after that it is sent to a separator that returns the lubricating oil to the carter. It is then cooled and finally ready for use. This mechanism is not noisy at all, it is compact, and it is very simple to manipulate. On the other hand, it can overheat, its capacity is limited, and it is also relatively expensive compared to other models.

Interesting information here. There's a great wealth of info provided on this blog.
Posted by: Vac-Guy | October 24, 2016, 2:42 pm
merci pour l'article
Posted by: Colette | September 29, 2016, 10:52 am
Thanks for sharing this, it's very helpful with the repairs I'm running on my machine.
Posted by: Delainey | August 31, 2016, 3:00 pm
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